Crazy reptile dreams


Tied For Rudy's Biggest Laughs

Originally Posted by Haligren View Post
I had a dream last night that for whatever reason GeckoGathering (sorry, don't know your real name) came to my house really upset and gave me Spider in a tupperware tub. Which is really weird because I don't know even know what the guy looks like, only that like everyone here, I'm sure, I love Spider and his misadventures!

In the dream I was all like "Hey! You're that guy from the forums! "

Lol, everyone knows Rudy (GeckoGathering) as "the guy on the forums that has good information and uses colorful ink".

SAM, you just tied for my biggest laugh on this forum.......
and it's COLOR CODED.......
I really had a hard, long, laugh at your post.......
thanks, take care, and may the gecko force be with you....
HJ Rudy


Website Creator
York, PA

SAM, you just tied for my biggest laugh on this forum.......
and it's COLOR CODED.......
I really had a hard, long, laugh at your post.......
thanks, take care, and may the gecko force be with you....
HJ Rudy

I thought you would like it. Whenever I am bored with a thread and just scrolling through it. I stop at the color cause I know its Rudy. :D:main_thumbsup::main_cool3:


New Member
LOL, hey Rudy's posts always catch my attention too.
I guess it's because I am always expecting another exciting
"Spider" adventure :main_thumbsup:


Post to Post

LOL, hey Rudy's posts always catch my attention too.
I guess it's because I am always expecting another exciting
"Spider" adventure :main_thumbsup:

Stan, there will be more of Spider.
I'm trying to take your suggestion and get a video of her.
Oh, she had her baby sister move in with her today......
Working on photos to post. Mr. Post.....
take care........


New Member
Stan, there will be more of Spider.
I'm trying to take your suggestion and get a video of her.
Oh, she had her baby sister move in with her today......
Working on photos to post. Mr. Post.....
take care........

That would be a "premiere" I DON'T want to miss :D

Today, home video; tomorrow, a Spielberg Blockbuster ;)

BTW, yes, folks do have a blast with my last name :main_laugh:


New Member
Oregon, USA
I had a very interesting dream that had viper geckos in it. My original male viper gecko is named Bowser, and I love him a lot.

Well, in my dream I "woke up"and there were thousands of little viper geckos (who looked exactly like Bowser) crawling all over my bed. I kept picking up each one and trying to figure out which one was Bowser... Each time I picked one up, ten more randomly appeared.

:) My lesson learned from this: don't take too much cold medicine before you go to sleep.


New Member
I had a crazy dream last night about my poor Santino. I posted a few days ago about his little weight issue. I dreamed that I went into our living room and a really large Santino was sitting in our very bright red leather recliner ( we don't own one, thank goodness). He was holding a Bud light and smoking a cigar. He had a rain coat on that was a couple sizes too small and this ugly orange fishing hat. He said that he was leaving us because he didn't appreciate having his weight issues made public. With alot of effort he rolled himself out of the recliner and was leaving. I felt really bad for him. Thats when I woke up and had to go and get him out for a little midnight bonding time. My husband thought i was nuts but I felt bad,lol.


Puzzle is my 2nd love.
Upstate New York
I had a dream last night that Puzzle was a different color when I woke up and he was like spewing out this weird white string from his mouth.

It was kinda scary, and then I woke up and rushed to his cage and he was sleeping under his moonlight perfectly fine and the correct color.

Maybe it means I'm paranoid about my new little buddy getting sick.


is behind you.
Prince George, BC
I had the weirdest dream last night about leos. I dreamt I was a leo breeder and was breeding some unusual ones - like black and red and purple and green. And this family had brought their bratty kid to pick one out. Well he kept abusing them - poking them, grabbing them, treating them like toys. And I kept telling the boy to stop, and his parents were getting defensive, finally I told them all to leave, but when they did they grabbed a large bin of black and red leos and some normals when I wasn't looking. When I figured out what had happened, I became so angry I turned into a werewolf (which I do a lot in my dreams, for some reason) and tracked them down. Luckily they lived in my neighborhood so I didn't have to go very far. I found the bin full of leos under some dirt and an old cellar door in their front yard.
The stupid boy saw me digging in the yard and came out to stare at me. I opened up the bin with the leos in it and began counting to make sure they were all there. The bin hadn't been closed very well, so many of the leos had escaped and had died in the cool earth.
I remember looking at the child and snarling at him and he was all like "Mommy, I want THAT one!" I wanted to tear him apart, but my conscience wouldn't let me - which is usually the case when I dream about kids, bratty or otherwise. Anyway, I ended up fleeing back to my leo-breeding lair, plotting revenge on the kid's parents. lol


Sideshow Freak
Alpharetta, GA
Not really sure how i missed this so i'll just repost what i had posted earlier today over here...

I know this is random but I just felt the need to share. So i'm obsessed with animals (i know, shocking lol) & I used to have a lot of large constrictors including a female green anaconda (my all time fav snake), but she died b/c of a severe respiratory infection that she had when i purchased her. So, after that happen it kind of left me gunshy with Condas in general for awhile but that little seed was still there growing somewhere in my head. Well, lately it's been on my mind more and more & last night in the midst of my power outage problems I had the most vivid dream of owning a huge Green Anaconda. The strangest parts were A)She had laid eggs (which condas don't do lol), B)her cage was some sort of weird one that was built upon the balcony of my old apartment (yeah, don't ask mind is just crazy lol), so one day I come home at night & was checking out the snake & such and the Conda whigged out completely & intentionallys started tearing apart the cage to the point where the whole thing fell apart, spilling water everywhere & the she escaped into the wilderness. At the end of the dream before I woke up I was being questioned by the police (people were outside when it happened apparently) and they were fining me for owning one in the first place (which i don't even think they could do in my state, as far as I know we don't have any regulations on non-venomous, non-native snakes) and I was pleading for the cops to help me find her & all they told me was if she's found she'll be shot. Then I woke up very confused & disoriented, questioning my sanity b/c it was so vivid.

Like I said, random.....thanks for indulging the twilight zone that is my mind :)


I had a dream yesterday that i was a breeder ( i only have one) and the geckos were like bigger than me, then one day the rebelled against me and i got eaten up by them. Then i woke up. (after realizing i shouldn't have had those pickles with my ice cream last night) ;)


New Member
Palm Bay/Melbourne, FL
So.. Charles is right next to me taking a nap (At 9pm, mind you...). So, I go to wake him up because he wont sleep later if I don't.. And he goes:

"Can't you reach?" I'm like.. Um.. Can't I reach what?!
"The tank." What tank? >.>
"Nobu's." Um.. What?
"Wait. Not Nobu's.. Um.." What are you talking about?...
"I don't even know right now.."

I guess he was dreaming about our geckos. :x lol. Nobunaga used to be in a 20g long until we moved him and put another little escape artist in there. The tank is on top of our beardie's tank which is huge, so sometimes I have a hard time getting them back into it safely. lol. :x I'm really tiny. D=

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