Crazy reptile dreams


Fallen Angel's Geckos
Stockton, CA
We were kinda talking about this in another thread when we decided to start a new one so that everyone could share their crazy reptile dreams. Let's see how long we can keep this thread going, I'm sure we can't be the only ones with crazy dreams!

So I will start.. I can't remember all of the details, but what I do know is that I dreamt there were Snake Enigmas and of course everybody wanted one. We had a chance to get one but in order to do so, we had to invest in the stock market...?? Makes no sense at all! I also remember the dream having something to do with being in outer space :main_rolleyes:

Mike says he had a dream last night where we hatched a gecko with a blue head lol

feel free to share your crazy reptile dreams :)


Mesa, Arizona
ok so in mine Aiko fallen_angels new corn was in my house....and there was a little white baby mouse scurring about. but Aiko didn't want anything to do with it. so we put both of them in a big tuperware tub. and the mouse just hopped around Aiko.
we kept trying to push the mouse over toward the snake.. but they just wanted to be friends

i guess not so weird really. but ehh figured i'd add mine as well


Website Creator
York, PA
I have one that freaked me out. I had recently (over a month) gotten two TS females who were (at the time) about 2 months old (way to young to breed even if male and female). Well I had just switched to moss from paper towels (for the moist hide). And I had a dream that I opened up the moist hide container (to get my leo out), and there was something white buried under the moss. And I am like AN EGG!!!!!
Then I woke up ;(. It was really weird.


I had i dream a couple weeks ago were i had a large cage. The bottom was filled with watar and the top was a desert. The leopard geckos would swim in the bottom and catch fish. Then they would wash up like penguins into the desert area.


cats, dogs, lizards, etc.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!! That's just too funny!!!!


We were kinda talking about this in another thread when we decided to start a new one so that everyone could share their crazy reptile dreams.

***I have had a two or three dreams that involved geckos.
I kinda go for Native American stuff.
One early morning I had a dream and all these different morphs
were sitting on logs around a camp fire, with Indian head bands on.
They had roaches on the end of sticks roasting them in the fire.

****Another time I fell asleep on the couch with the TV on.
I was dreaming of hatching eggs and this one popped through the shell
and it was totally green........I woke up about this time and the Geico
gecko was on TV doing his car insurance commercial.....................



Happy Gecko Family
I have bad dreams sad. :(

The most recent one is I woke up one morning, check my geckos and noticed Lemzip is dying (just lay on the ground all pale), Marly lost half of his tail, somehow Bubu and Gel's glass tank is broken and the 2 boys met and fight, Gel lost his tail and both of them got wounds on them. I felt so devastated then I wake up....I wish I can have a good dream like chatting with my geckos!


K, the Crazy Snake Lady
Okay.. This one is just about as bizarre as it gets. And before I begin, let me say, honestly, I do not do drugs. The only thing I had taken was a Melatonin to help get to sleep, a totally natural sleep aid.

That being said, here goes;

I was sitting at my dining room table, feeding my beardie, Dharma some mealies and to the left of her was a bagel with cream cheese on it. Well, one of the mealies had climbed out of the container, gone over to the bagel and started munching. Apparently, cream cheese is a mutanogenic, radioactive, growth stimulator for mealies because the thing started growng. Rapidly. And becoming very ill-tempered.
I grabbed Dharma and quickly put her into a cabinet, right next to the toaster, handed her the cordless phone and told her to call for back up... Which she did... I don't know how... But she did. In the cabinet.
Anyways, I turned around and lo and behold, the mealie is now the size of a Buick and looks like one of those monsters from the movie, "Tremors."
Of course, I screamed. It was scary! This big, icky worm thing with razor sharp teeth was doing that gross "wiggle" thing towards me, growling and shrieking. Then it occurs to me what it truly wanted.
My extensive, world wide collection of refridgerator magnets,
and my prize winning show gerbils...

Now before we get any further into this, let me say, I do not own a collection of refridgerator magnets, nor do I own any rodents, much less show gerbils.

So now I'm trying to keep this creature at bay, away from my magnets and show gerbils. Our cat, Thorin, came up and tried to valiantly help and rushed the giant, rabid mealie and was swiftly eaten.
The I got really mad. He was trying to get my magnets and show gerbils, and just ate my cat! So I tried to set it on fire with cooking spray and a lighter. That didn't go to well...
Then I tried throwing marshmellows at it. And for the record; While throwing marshmellows at anything else produces nothing but a small thud, they pop like those little snap-n-pops you get on the 4th of July, but they do not kill mutant mealie bugs.
Then, finally, the front door flew open and in comes the guys from TAPS, armed with Tasers and bull whips, saying they had recieved a distress call from Dharma and were here to help.

Then my pager went off and I woke up. THANK GOD!!!!

I have not taken a single Melatonin since then.


Fallen Angel's Geckos
Stockton, CA
LMAO well told dream K, and now I know not to take Melatonin either! We actually have a bottle of the stuff that used to be my brother's, and I had no clue what it was for.


New Member
K.... wow..... where did you say you got your 'melatonin' again??;););) I want to be sure to stay AWAY from that place. ROFL thats one awesome dream though lol


K, the Crazy Snake Lady
Yeah! See?! "Natural sleep aid" it said. "No side affects" it said. Well, I'd definitely call that a side affect! LOL


New Member
my recurring reptile dreams are not about pet reptiles per se. one dream is about a huge rectangular (olympic swimming pool sized) pit in the middle of the wilderness, slightly drizzling and gloomy, with hundreds of monstrous boids in it, just slithering about but not emerging from the pit. another one is about two huge crocodilians swimming along the current of an urban river (polluted of course) and im riding them (one foot on each croc's back), and it's always nighttime. well, dreams are supposed to be weird, so there...


Fairfield, OH
xD I just had a dream a couple days ago that I had like 6 leos, whom all seemed to be all tangs apperently. o.o;

Anyways, I had all these tanks all on my dresser and my desk. I found one in one cage by itself that I had forgotten about (which TOTALLY would never happen). It was all skinny. And I had three more crawling all over each other in another cage. And my two that I actually have in their tank. I was trying to figure out where to hide them all when my mom walked in. I'm only supposed to have 2, so I was blocking her view of them.

And I woke up. xD


Definitely not Junior
Fort Fun, Indiana
I had a dream that I was at a flea market or a garage sale "which you would probably never catch me at either" and I found a used incubator. Guess I am ready for the next breeding season. lol


Mesa, Arizona
:main_laugh: oh my gosh K, that was the funniest thing i could have read today LOL
Thank you for sharing that:main_laugh:

I had a dream last night that i was at work, and i went to this old run down store (like an old ghost town store) to get a cup of ice. and my mother in law was with me. & my co-worker. and i opened a medicine cabinet and when i opened it it was then huge (like the size of a door) and there was two little ummm i don't know what they were. i'm gonna say they had the body of frogs, but were clearly some type of cute little geckos, about the size of a baseball with little sticky gecko feet, and flesh colored bodies & i fell in love with them. one was kinda stan-offish. but the other imediatly liked me. and he put his little sticky foot on my forhead and climbed onto my face and just sat there.

Ok now a burgular came into the store and we all had to hide. but was still very concerned about the other little frog-gecko. and i was going to dig under the store to get to him. & my little frog-gecko was telling me to hurry, but he was thinking it. & i could hear his thoughts. so me and my mother in law are going to start digging and we move a board in the wall. i shine a flashlight in there. and there is a huge(the size of a great dane) savanah monitor.....ummm eating something down there (very violently too) so we couldn't go that way. my co-worker said "just leave the thing amber." we can get out over here "what leave my newly found little frog-geckos?!" No I had to go get him. "my co worker preceeded to call me weird and shake her head. and sat back down into the hiding place.

I am not sure how i got back to the door sized medicine cabinet. but me & the other little frog-gecko got there i opened. then he leaped off of my face. and went to "talk" to the other frog-gecko(who was stand-offish before.) then they both came forward. and i seen the little padded feet come towards my face again. and then one was on my head, the other on my face...again! and then me, my mother in law, and co-woker leave the store.... with the cup of ice!

and then my car alarm went off and i woke up.
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New Member
Last night I had a dream that I owned/managed a casino. There was a HUGE fish tank that had tunnels that ran through the guest rooms that the fish could swim through. The commercials for the casino had a gecko in them.
The first one was a guy with a ball cap on and a gecko passed out on the brim of the hat with the guy saying, 'Think you can get more relaxed then this guy? Visit us and you will be.'
The second one was a gecko laying back in a little pool side chair and they was saying, 'The only two things missing, the drink with a little umbrella and you.' he turns around and picks up a TINY drink (with a little umbrella) and sets it beside the gecko and then says 'Now we're just waiting on you.'

No I don't even have a fish tank and no I don't gamble let alone OWN a casino.... where the heck do these things come from?! lol


New Member
i just find it peculiar that almost all the "reptile dreams" posted here are about leos/geckos... hmmm

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