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New Member
I recently received two free geckos off craigslist...one is doing great, other terrible which i was told he was just old when i got him.. and now from my studies i see he has mouth rot. I wanted to know what type of gecko is the yellow one in these pictures and what should I do about the leopard with mbd and mouth rot? Do you seperate them? So everyone knows i Received the gecko like this and it was not from my doing. The yellow one has got much fatter since I got him also. Thanks and any info will be much appreciated.


Staff member
Somerville, MA
You have to post the pictures still. In general, a sick gecko should be by itself. I highly recommend you take the gecko to the vet since it may need systemic antibiotics for infection in addition to topical treatment of the mouth rot. You could start by washing the mouth rot with hydrogen peroxide on a q-tip. It's not a problem if the gecko ingests some of it. If you have the "guts" to do it, squish up a cricket and try rubbing some of the innards on the gecko's nose to see if he'll eat it. I also see you're calling one of the geckos "he". If they're both males, separate them. If one is male, separate them so they don't try to breed. Are these leos? You're in the fat tail section, so I wasn't sure, but you're talking about yellow ones.


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