Tips for leaving mealworm colony for 10 days?


New Member

In January I will be heading out of town for 10 days. My gecko will be boarded at the vet but I do not have anyone to check on my mealworm and darkling beetles and I need advice. Yes, I am planning early b/c I love the little bugs!

My current routing is likely a bit overkill but everyday I provide fresh food and remove anything that is getting old. Carrots never get old b/c they love them but fleshy fruit get gross quick. I have a custom dry food mix I have created (lots of stuff chopped and dehydrated) that will keep them happy. I will occasionally toss in cricket thirst quencher as well. I remove the pupae daily and add to a pupae drawer. Any pupae that hatch are moved to the beetle drawer.

What tips do you have for leaving them 10 days straight without adding/removing food or providing a "water" source. I know they cannot have real water in a dish (drowning/can't swim/not smart little worms). Do I just add a ton of cricket thirst quencher? Other suggestions? As for the food - from what I understand they can survive on the dry food (even if they are not supper happy about it).

Currently, we are using a 4 drawer setup (pretty small - fits under bathroom sink) but I plan to move my worms into a 35 gallon (dry) aquarium so I can make the bedding and dry food areas bigger while I am away. Any thoughts or concerns?
As for the Darkling beetles, I may buy a huge tote and modify it for ventilation so they have more space.
I was also thinking of splitting both into 2 groups in the event that something happens to one.

Thanks in advance for the guidance!

Herpin Man

Give each group a piece of potato and forget about it.
About 25 years ago, a friend who was getting out of herps gave me a handful of mealworms. This was the founding stock for my current mealworm cultures; I’ve never added new mealworms to it. During those years, I didn’t always need mealworms, and there were times when I ignored them for months at a stretch, yet they persevered.
They can withstand a lot of neglect.

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