Socializing Help


New Member
I'm having trouble getting my gecko to warm up to me. I have gotten to the point that he will lay next to my hand and sometimes lick my fingers but if I move to touch him, he scoots away and hides with his head sticking out staring at me. We've been at this point for about a month. Any tips?


Staff member
Somerville, MA
Some geckos never want to be held, though it's possible that if it's tolerating that much from you maybe there's hope. One choice is to scoop the gecko up from the bottom (it may involve moving the hide if it goes in there) and making a little cave with your hands so the gecko will feel safe. It's best to do this over the cage so if the gecko panics and jumps, it won't end up on the floor. Sometimes I think a gecko needs some encouragement to try something new in order to find out that it likes the experience. If every time you do it, it hates it, you may just have a gecko that doesn't want to be held.



New Member
Thanks. I'll give it a try. He seems curious and has even put his front feet on my hand before but I don't want to force him to do anything. It would just make getting him out for cleaning MUCH easier than chasing him around trying to get him into the keeper.

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