"Second Level" add to my leo enclosure


New Member
Michigan, USA
Hello, I'm Brittani and I'm new to this specific gecko forum. I haven't been on a forum in quite some time because life got busy, but I am glad to be back to talking to people who love and care for herps just as much! So, I have a 20 gallon long enclosure that I am moving 2 of my leos into. I want to add a "second level" of sorts to add some space and something different than anything I've done before. I've come across a few people who has done it, but I wanted to get some of your suggestions and ideas as well. So far, my fiance and I got the posts and base outline of the level almost ready. We're using PVC piping to create the legs and feet as well as a base outline to create more stability. I know I would like to use tile of some sort for the substrate on that level, and heat tape underneath, and something to also be underneath the heat tape (haven't figured out what's safest to use just yet); so that the heat tape is sanwiched between. A ramp will provide access to the second level, and I'm going to use hot glue to provide a better grip for climbing up the ramp. Mainly, the second level will just provide a hide and a great view to the tank below. We just figured we would do something a little different and add another dimension to the tank for the geckos (I feel as if they get bored of the same old, same old). Any suggestions or ideas would be appreciated!

Thank you!


Well-Known Member
Massachusetts, United States
Sounds interesting! You could probably sandwich the heat tape between tiles if you added spacers to create a gap. You might need to regulate the heat tape with a thermostat for safety, so leave a gap large enough for the thermostat temperature probe.

I know people build structures out of foam and coat in layers of grout for a rock effect, so you could look into doing that as well. A lot messier than tile, but you could build some really cool and light-weight structures.
Lizard care, and fake rock wall landscapes

I'd be interested in seeing some pictures as you develop your idea. :)


New Member
Michigan, USA
That's actually a really good idea! I thought about sandwiching the heat tape between tiles, but definitely didn't think of spacers! As for the thermostat, we have a couple of those, but we're planning on buying a new one since ours is old and I don't want to take the chance of it going out before winter hits here. Any suggestions on good thermostats? I'll have to look into the rock effect! Thank you for all your ideas! I'll have to post pictures as we start building! Tomorrow, we're cutting the PVC to length and hopefully the measurments are right!


Well-Known Member
Massachusetts, United States
If you're looking not to break the bank, a brand such as HydroFarm or Big Apple Herp would be pretty reliable. If you want to step up to the "big bucks" level, I love Spyder Robotics HerpStats.

Good luck! I can't wait to see what you come up with.


Staff member
Somerville, MA
I have second levels in most of my leo breeder tanks. Like you, I use PVC for feet. I have two 12"x12" tiles and 4 little 1" bathroom tiles. I use a mini zoomed UTH between the two 12" tiles and use the little bathroom tiles in each corner to separate the big tiles a bit and vent the heat. I don't bother with a ramp. The geckos climb on the lay box to get up to the second level. On occasion I've even seen them standing on their hind legs on the floor and pulling themselves "upstairs".



New Member
Michigan, USA
new gecko tank.jpg new gecko tank 2.jpg IMG_0794.jpg jack sleeping.jpg jack escaping.jpg

Here are the fully finished results! We actually were able to fit all 3 Leos into one tank (so much better than having separate tanks)! The geckos absolutely love the "loft", as we call it. They are all about climbing up and down the ramp, and seeing if they can escape the tank (thank goodness for locking tops!) I can't wait to build more fun stuff into all the reptile tanks for each specific reptile/amphibian!

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