Repost: Sick Gecko URGENT


New Member
REPOST: "Hello everyone! I hope one of you will be able to help me out as I don't have a reptile vet near me. I took them to the closest "exotic vet" which had no idea what to do. So I have two Leopard geckos which we will call A and B for privacy reasons. Both geckos are roughly 4 - 5 years I believe (bought them in a pet store a few years ago). Gecko A is pretty healthy, nothing out of the ordinary as her tail is hefty and no visible signs of distress. Gecko B ( my first gecko which should be slightly older but only by a few months : again pet store could have them be the same age etc) has quite a few problems. To start, she does eat but it feels like she never gains weight. I have tried calcium powder with their meal worms, crickets etc. but no luck. She is VERY small for her size both length and weight wise. Her arms and legs (and tail) worry me the most as she looks so frail. She eats fine, moves fine, no problems there. However, the second issue is what caused me to take her to the vet in the first place. She has always had some vision problems but now her right eye was SWOLLEN and crusted over. I took her to the vet and left with antibiotics (which helped the swelling go down and eye drops which didn't do much) but the vet wasn't sure what to do and didn't feel comfortable performing surgery on her. Her eye went down (they are severely crusted still leaving her blind but we aren't sure what is underneath so we try to to touch it too much in case of a ruptured eye. It has been an ongoing issue that doesn't seem to bother the gecko much as she has adapted but I still want to help her. The last issue with her is the most recent. I noticed this a week or two ago, it went down, but it is now back. Right under her tail underneath the base (near her butt/ genitals), it is swollen and she keeps licking it. Not dramatically large yet but getting there. I am not sure what to do without causing her discomfort. Again, she acts healthy but physically is not. My set up includes a 20G Long tank, a fabric mat (one you buy at the store) NOT SAND because its harmful (they have never had sand), a day/ night light, heating pad, temp/humidity monitor, one rock hide, and another leveled hide, and two water dishes (the water evaporates so quickly because they are shallow), and I feed them meal worms with tweezers. Both geckos live together in the same tank (both female as far as I know), but they get along perfectly so I haven't needed to separate them. Please let me know if you have any suggestions or tips. I am really worried about her but the vet hasn't been much help. Thank you so much! - Attached below are a picture of her right and left eye, size comparison to hand, and swollen part under tail."

Update: She has recently caused damage to her eye as it looks as if she scraped it off of one of her rocks, which bled and is now dried. I have contacted several vets in my area and all of which refuse as she is an exotic. Please help me asap. I am concerned for her well being and I am at wits end. I weighed her today and she is only 23g as she was 28g per her last vet appointment (as mention previously). She has always been on the skinny side no matter how much she eats, but it is very concerning more so now than ever. She is slowly beginning to stop eating and I am afraid to lose her any day now. I have tried everything and am at a loss. Her sister (who is given the same exact care) is healthy as can be. None of this makes sense as to how she has so many medical issues and problems. Please help me as I have been trying to seek her proper care. Thank you.


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Staff member
Somerville, MA
I see you got a reply on another forum, and I agree that it's important to separate them. Some geckos have original problems that we can't see and they manifest as things that we can see (for example, a gecko could have an infection and we can't see it, but it stops eating because of the infection and we can see that). In addition to separating it, I recommend you gently bathe its eyes with warm water every day. Hold the gecko gently and poke a mealworm or cricket at its mouth and see if it will eat it. The problems do sound to me (who is definitely NOT a vet) like some kind of infection. If you visited the exotic vet recently, you could call back and ask if they could recommend an antibiotic. They may want you to bring it back for another appointment before they prescribe something.


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