Need help taming my 8 month to one year old leopard gecko!


New Member
I just got my leopard gecko and it seems like she was never handled by her breeder, because when I try to handle her she runs away from me and corners herself like if she is very afraid of me so I then leave her alone because I don't want to risk her losing her tail by me stressing her too much.

I hope by me going into her tank daily to change out her water bowl and spot cleaning that she would eventually get used to me. It has been a week now and she is starting to feed in front of me, when I put crickets in her tank she runs out of her hide and starts munching. Also is it OK to feed her alot? Because she can eat up to 10 to 12 crickets daily. After two weeks I plan to start trying to move my hand near her as if to try and pet her and so on. Hopefully this approach would eventually get her tamed. And when I mean tame I don't mean liek for me to take her out and start playing with her I just mean for me to be able to handle her without her freaking out.
Also would it help to hand feed her to get her more used to me?

I give my thanks to anyone who is willing to help me out on this!!

Thank You!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I <3 Mu Mu!!
It may take time for your gecko to get used to you. Some geckos just don't like being held at all. My gecko still doesn't like being held but he isn't as scared of me anymore. I recommend you put your hand in the tank at first and then when you feel like he is starting to get comfortable, move a bit closer and keep doing that. Talk softly to your gecko as well. When you feel that the time is right you can try to pick your gecko up. It may take months for your gecko to let you handle him.


Spotted Shadow
Western Montana
I agree with the post above, geckos have different personalities like us. Some tolerate being handled, others don't. You just have to be patient, gentle, and persistent. And if you ever feel the gecko is under too much stress with your attempts, leave it be and try again in a couple of days.

I got my first leopard gecko when she was a juvenile and to this day she does not like being handled, but she's gotten so much better with it.


I agree with most of the above lol
I have two leo's and my older of the two doesn't per-say mind being held, but prefers to be left alone. The younger of the two could care less lol
Best of luck with your leo

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