Mealworm suppliers?


New Member
York, PA
We are looking for a new mealworm supplier after the last bad incident with our current company. We've looked a few places and many of them have crazy over night prices and unfortunately due to the heat here, we have to have them overnighted. We have it narrowed down to a few that seem to have the best prices, but that doesn't say anything about the quality of the worms which is obviously the most important to us. Have any of you ever ordered from Grubco, Sunshine Mealworms, or Flukers? And if so what has your experience been with quality of the feeders and also customer service? Any other suggestions would be greatly appreciated as well! Thanks :)


I'm baaaaaack!
I have been ordering mealworms from NY Worms for several months now. I've never had a problem with them, but in extreme cold/heat, they're shipped to the post office and I have to pick them up. I believe most of their prices include shipping (I was always getting 10,000 at a time for about $47 I think).

I've tried ordering from Sunshine, but my emails always bounce back so I gave up on them.

I received my first order from Grubco last week. I had ordered 2000 superworms and 100,000 mealworms. Despite the heat, they shipped them UPS 2-day and the order did not arrive until after 5:30. The supers were fine, but all of the mealworms were dead. They did issue me a refund after I spoke with them on the phone though, but they don't refund shipping charges. I asked whether or not overnight shipping was an option, but they told me that it would be an additional $39 PER BOX. For a 6-box order, that's a little nuts.

So, for right now (until my colonies start producing faster) I'm going to stick with NY even if it means placing an order every week.


Staff member
Somerville, MA
I've been ordering periodically from Grubco, 1000 at a time which costs me $11 with shipping. They have generally been fine and arrived alive. However, the last 2 shipments, after about a week there has been a high number of dead mealies, not at first, but after they've grown a bit. I emailed the company the first time and they responded asking what temp I was keeping them at. It was during a hot period where their area may have been in the high 80's and they may have been a bit overcrowded so I assumed it was my fault. There are a higher than expected number of deaths in my current shipment but not nearly so bad as last time. I just don't know if it's my gutload (although my homebred mealies are doing fine on it), the temps or what. I'm not ready to blame Grubco and would probably buy from them again. Has anyone else had a high mealworm death situation (they are getting soft and squishy and then turning black)?



New Member
York, PA
Thanks Aliza and Paul. Maybe we'll give NY Worms a try. Even if I have to pick them up at the post office, it's literally only a minute from my house.

We had the same thing happen to a batch of mealworms, where they suddenly died off in large numbers and turned into pretty much black goo. I'm not really sure what caused it, they were relatively new, and we put potatoes in for a water source (as we always did) and over the next few days they were dying off quickly and turning into that gross, black goo.


I've been ordering from Grubco for quite a while now and have not had any problems at all. I usually order between 1000 and 5000 mealies and they usually arrive very fast. So far I've never had a problem with dead mealies from them.

Jodi L Aherns

I have allways used or is it are out of MN and i live in MN but out of 5000-20000 crickets a week for 8+ years and 3000-5000 mealworms a month they did a great job.

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