major worry


New Member
ok. so ive posted about 2 months back give or take about me getting a pair of gargs. well a issue has came up that demands attention. I got this par about 7/16. and when I got them they were housed in a 12x12x12 exoterra with a day bulb and bone dry sphagnum they were m24g and female 34g. as soon as I got them home I set up a natural viv for the female and a large critter keeper for the male. well today is 9/25 and I just took apart the viv which has not been used for 2 months or so yesterday 9/24 and found 2 eggs. they are both healthy and showing movement in egg. I am worried about problems with her development now because she is only 36g or so. is this going to effect her health. :main_huh: I am also worried of the babys being unhealthy. so id like to know when I can expect them to hatch and is their anything special I need to do:main_robin:


Staff member
Somerville, MA
Continue to feed her well. There's not much you can do since she's already laid the eggs. If she laid them 2 months ago and is still in good shape you probably don't have anything to worry about.

My garg eggs are incubated at about 74 degrees and hatch in 12-14 weeks. I incubate them because I live in New England and the "room" temperature fluctuations during the summer are tremendous. If the temperature has generally been higher than my incubation temp, they will hatch sooner and vice versa.

When the babies hatch, house them in a 2qt sterilite container. You can get one at Targe or equivalent for a little more than $1. Put a piece of paper towel down as a substrate. Give them a few days to shed and then provide a small water dish and a milk bottle cap of CGD. The first few times, stick the hatchling's nose in the CGD to give it the idea. Change the paper towel when it gets yucky looking. YOu can try a small cricket . Some will eat them and some won't. Mist every evening.

Good luck.



New Member
ok thanks she is a just growing slowly and I was concerned about her being egg bound because it as only 1 clutch and she never laid again


Staff member
Somerville, MA
My gargs have not laid many clutches. One laid 2 clutches her first year and 3 clutches her second year. The other is a first time breeder this year and laid 2 clutches. of the 10 eggs laid, 9 hatched!


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