Leopard Gecko Shedding


New Member
I have some questions about gecko shedding. I have two geckos; one is a juvenile and the other I would call an infant. I've had the juvenile for months and she's never shed. Her skin lightens like she's going to, but not once have I ever seen her do it. The infant has shed twice in the last 3 weeks. Right now only half of his face has shed and he looks like the guy from batman. Is this normal?


Staff member
Somerville, MA
The one you think has never shed has probably shed overnight so you didn't notice. Ideally a gecko will get all its shed off by itself, but sometimes it isn't successful. I usually give my geckos about 24 hours from the time I see that they're actively shedding. Whatever is left I help them remove. Something like the batman cape on the head (it does look cute!) is easy to pull off. Shed around the eyes and on the toes requires fingernails or tweezers. I've never found a simple q-tip to do the trick on those areas. spraying or briefly soaking the area that needs the shed removed in warm water helps a lot



New Member
Thank you for answering! I do have another question. I got the younger gecko within the last month and in the first couple of weeks he ate a fair amount of crickets. He's now not eating anything and just passed a poo with what looks like mucus in it after not passing anything for atleast a week. His tail is looking kind of skinny and I'm a little worried he's got a parasite and potentially given it to my other gecko. He's pretty young though so I don't know how big his tail is supposed to be.


Staff member
Somerville, MA
Hopefully if you got this new gecko less than a month ago you have been quarantining it. Sometimes the poo may look a little weird and that doesn't necessarily mean that there's a problem. Does the tail look skinnier than it did when you got it? Can you post a picture? Where did you get the gecko from? If you're really worried, you could set up a reptile vet visit and have the gecko tested for the usual parasites and crypto as well.


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