Leopard Gecko Constipation


New Member
Hey All,

I have noticed that my leopard gecko has pooped in about a week/ week and a half. He still has a ravishing appetite and seems totally fine otherwise. I have had times in the past where it takes him up to a week to go, but that is from lack of feeding ( I go through phases where I don't feed him as much to keep his weight healthy). However, I have fed him two big feedings of crickets for the last two feedings about 5 and 7 days ago. I was out of town which is why he hasn't eaten and fed him only like 3 crickets yesterday. I figured I should not continue to feed him if he is having trouble moving everything through. I gave him a warm bath yesterday and fed him a cricket with some olive oil on it to try to get things moving, with no cigar. I guess my question is how much longer do I wait before I make a vet visit/ is there any advice to hopefully avoid a vet visit and get this resolved?

He has never had any constipation issues in the past and I have had him for almost four years. My temperature on the hot side is usually around 85-87, but I think my heater is slowly going out because my measurements today were only reaching around 80-82 on the hot side ground, despite being set at 94. I am planning on going to get out under-tank heater today, and see if that solves the problem or if it was my thermostat. Any advice or insight would be helpful!


Staff member
Somerville, MA
Is there any chance that he's found a new place to poop that you don't know about? Check under the hides. If you haven't gotten the heat mat yet, consider getting ZooMed heat cable instead because it can be installed and then reinstalled if necessary. Sometimes they just don't go and if he's not straining, then you may just have to give him more time. You've already done the most obvious things for him. Hopefully increased heat will do the trick.



New Member
Is there any chance that he's found a new place to poop that you don't know about? Check under the hides. If you haven't gotten the heat mat yet, consider getting ZooMed heat cable instead because it can be installed and then reinstalled if necessary. Sometimes they just don't go and if he's not straining, then you may just have to give him more time. You've already done the most obvious things for him. Hopefully increased heat will do the trick.

No new place to poop, and after getting the new ground heat mat, he passed a GIANT poop, so it looks like temp was just the issue. Thanks for your help!

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