I love stripes!


New Member
Central California
Hey Kelli, look what Basil and Saffron (one of the possible het Bell bold stripes I got from you along with Basil) gave me today!! :D They had one other little Bell, but I haven't had time to post her picture yet. So far they've had two nice stripes, a jungle /stripe, an aberrant Bell, and now a striped Bell. Woo hoo! Can't wait to see the clutchmate!




New Member
Central California
Thanks everyone!! :)

I just checked to see if the clutchmate had hatched - it has and it's a pretty aberrant Bell! :)

Now for the weird part. Their was another Bell stripe (or very close anyway) in my incubator!! :shocked: I had thought the mother was one of my hatchlings from last year, Basil is the father. She's not het Bell, though. The clutchmate hatched a couple days ago and was not albino, just aberrant. So I believe the mother must be Luna who is het for Bell and patternless - but she's not striped. Strongbad is her father. Kelli, does Strongbad have stripiness in his past? Nicole, do you know anything about the mom's parents?

I'm sure about Saffron being the mom of the first stripe and its clutchmate. I weigh them to determine which female has laid. These two clutches were laid on the 21st and 27th of July. Saffron was still at pre-egglaying weight on July 22, so she's NOT the mother of this second stripe. Pumpkin - who I thought was the mom of this clutch - had escaped while I was on vacation. We found her the day we returned (I didn't weigh her) but she looked like she laid eggs shortly after being returned to her cage, so I assumed the clutch I found that day was hers and I didn't weigh anyone else. I believe that was also when I found a dried clutch under the paper towel the next day. Sneaky, very sneaky.

A wonderful surprise, anyway!!!:D


Painting the roses red...
Orange County, CA
Wow Nancy! :sunny: That is a real treat! What stunning Bell babies you have there!
Unfortunately, I know nothing about Spook's parents, as she was a rescue and I have had her for going on 7 years now. That is amazing though! Maybe Kelli can enlighten us? :)

Grinning Geckos

Tegan onboard.
nwheat said:
Thanks everyone!! :)

I just checked to see if the clutchmate had hatched - it has and it's a pretty aberrant Bell! :)

Now for the weird part. Their was another Bell stripe (or very close anyway) in my incubator!! :shocked: I had thought the mother was one of my hatchlings from last year, Basil is the father. She's not het Bell, though. The clutchmate hatched a couple days ago and was not albino, just aberrant. So I believe the mother must be Luna who is het for Bell and patternless - but she's not striped. Strongbad is her father. Kelli, does Strongbad have stripiness in his past? Nicole, do you know anything about the mom's parents?

I'm sure about Saffron being the mom of the first stripe and its clutchmate. I weigh them to determine which female has laid. These two clutches were laid on the 21st and 27th of July. Saffron was still at pre-egglaying weight on July 22, so she's NOT the mother of this second stripe. Pumpkin - who I thought was the mom of this clutch - had escaped while I was on vacation. We found her the day we returned (I didn't weigh her) but she looked like she laid eggs shortly after being returned to her cage, so I assumed the clutch I found that day was hers and I didn't weigh anyone else. I believe that was also when I found a dried clutch under the paper towel the next day. Sneaky, very sneaky.

Exactly the reason I keep the eggs in containers from a single pair and keep it well labeled! No guessing involved. Whomever the mom is - that's a beautiful baby!


Bells Rule!
Grinning Geckos said:
Exactly the reason I keep the eggs in containers from a single pair and keep it well labeled! No guessing involved. Whomever the mom is - that's a beautiful baby!

Roger that. Anyways, congrats on the second one!


New Member
Central California

Grinning Geckos said:
Exactly the reason I keep the eggs in containers from a single pair and keep it well labeled! No guessing involved. Whomever the mom is - that's a beautiful baby!

I do that too, I love those little boxes from the container store. If I used a bigger container I would have assumed that the second stripe was the clutchmate of the first stripe and that the aberrant Bell was Luna's since they hatched at the same time! I have two breeding groups with several females - usually it is obvious who laid the eggs, but occasionally I'm wrong, apparently! I probably should separate all the females while they are laying. These groups get along so well, though. Everyone eats (alot - 2 are heavier at the end of breeding season than at the start) and I've had zero injuries from anyone in both groups, and lots of eggs. :) Hate to mess with that....

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