How many crickets to feed a juvenile leopard gecko?


New Member
So I am getting a Leopard Gecko and it’s a juvenile and was wondering how often and how much should I feed in each feeding and should I use small or large crickets? (If you have to feed more than once a day then please say how much in each one of those feedings)
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Staff member
Somerville, MA
The best bet is to feed your gecko, when you get it, in the evening when it wakes up. In my opinion, a juvenile old enough to be sold is old enough to eat large crickets, but everyone may not agree. If the crickets are too small (like 1/4") they're hard for the gecko to see and catch. I would start with, say, 4 crickets, and see how it goes. If the gecko snaps them up and is looking for more, put in another few. Eventually you'll get to know how many your gecko wants, bearing in mind that they don't eat the same amount every day. Young juveniles are usually fed every day. If it seems less interested, you can go to every other day and see how it goes. You and your gecko will be learning each other's habits in the first few weeks.



New Member
The best bet is to feed your gecko, when you get it, in the evening when it wakes up. In my opinion, a juvenile old enough to be sold is old enough to eat large crickets, but everyone may not agree. If the crickets are too small (like 1/4") they're hard for the gecko to see and catch. I would start with, say, 4 crickets, and see how it goes. If the gecko snaps them up and is looking for more, put in another few. Eventually you'll get to know how many your gecko wants, bearing in mind that they don't eat the same amount every day. Young juveniles are usually fed every day. If it seems less interested, you can go to every other day and see how it goes. You and your gecko will be learning each other's habits in the first few weeks.

Ok thanks. I got the gecko and it’s albino so it has a hard time seeing with the light on Bc that’s an albino thing (according to the women who sold it to me). She said because it’s small feed 10 small crickets a day and he seems to eat them all up by morning. But thanks for the advice!


New Member
Hello! I’m new as of today. I’m wondering about your experience with your albino gecko. I have one as well and I’m having trouble getting him to eat at the moment.

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