Feeding/guy loading my super worms


New Member
Richmond va
So the pet place I got my Leo from fed crickets and super worms.
For the first little bit ill keep it at the exact feeding regime they had him on.
As far as gut loading, I have a quick question.
For super worms, and I guess crickets also, people seem to recommend fruits, veggies and potatoes/sweet potatoes.
My roommate makes one juice meal per day, usually carrots, apples, kale, broccoli, and sometimes throws a sweet potato in there.

Can I use the pulp from that as a gut load? Most of the nutrients are possibly gone, but it's still wet, and I know the rinds/peels contain lots of goodies still.
I could easily make a "ball" of the stuff, and let my supers have at it.
Could even be a usual feeding so they are always gut loaded.

Also, I've seen conflicting info on super worms. Are these an ok staple, along with crickets, roaches, hornworms ect.

How hard is it to actually breed these things for a single lizards worth?
Thanks guys, here's a pic of the little guy

Also I only had him out and in my hand because I was cleaning up his cage a bit after he spilled his water bowl.

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Staff member
Somerville, MA
Super worms as feeders: There will be differences of opinion, but I find them to be a good staple feeder. Some of my geckos only like super worms. I try to alternate between crickets and supers, but some won't touch the crickets (and some won't touch the supers)

Gut loading: If you put them in a bunch of fruit and veggie pulp, they will get wet and yucky. Their mouths will get stopped up and they'll probably die. What may work better is to give them the peels, stems and ends of the veggies he uses. I keep my supers in a powdered grain (you can use chicken mash, powder up your own grains, or go to the reptile store and buy gut load). I give them vegetable and fruit parings on top of the grain for hydration. Someone wrote an article for Gecko Time about using sour mash to feed worms (mealworms in this case) and I think he mixed the liquid solution with wheat bran till it was more solid. Here's the article: Sourmash for Mealworms - Gecko Time - Gecko Time

Breeding: I have never had much luck with that. The worms need to be kept individually to pupate. Gecko Time's most popular article is about breeding super worms and is here: Breeding Superworms: A guide to raising and breeding superworms - Gecko Time - Gecko Time



New Member
Richmond va
Super worms as feeders: There will be differences of opinion, but I find them to be a good staple feeder. Some of my geckos only like super worms. I try to alternate between crickets and supers, but some won't touch the crickets (and some won't touch the supers)

Gut loading: If you put them in a bunch of fruit and veggie pulp, they will get wet and yucky. Their mouths will get stopped up and they'll probably die. What may work better is to give them the peels, stems and ends of the veggies he uses. I keep my supers in a powdered grain (you can use chicken mash, powder up your own grains, or go to the reptile store and buy gut load). I give them vegetable and fruit parings on top of the grain for hydration. Someone wrote an article for Gecko Time about using sour mash to feed worms (mealworms in this case) and I think he mixed the liquid solution with wheat bran till it was more solid. Here's the article: Sourmash for Mealworms - Gecko Time - Gecko Time

Breeding: I have never had much luck with that. The worms need to be kept individually to pupate. Gecko Time's most popular article is about breeding super worms and is here: Breeding Superworms: A guide to raising and breeding superworms - Gecko Time - Gecko Time


Thanks, I'm having him cut off a bit of something different every couple days. They seem to favor carrots and orange bits.
I'm going to try and breed supers with 3 of the supers I have, hopefully I'll get one of each gender and a second something, since I don't need a huge amount with just one Leo.
Your answers are always very awesome btw. Thanks!

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