

New Member
North Carolina
I have a few questions about a few deferring topics looking for information on all and I think a lot of the new comers including myself will like this post.

Lets start with eating and dieting: What is the best diet for a Leopard Gecko? This question will have many different answers for many different reasons like availability of feeders ,location ,price also breeding and stock piling feeders. But if you could answer this question by answering with the best possible diet with time money and availability willing.

I will also add that I feed my Leos once a day normally at night after work but if I'm off work I hand feed them mid day. I'll add this by asking, Whats an ideal time for feeding? Is it 2 or 3 times a day or is it 1 once a day at a specific time as in morning ,evening or night.

Ill start my answer with I feed my Leos Meal-worms super worms and crickets. Reason being is cheap and I can get them at any pet store.

My next question will be about Dusting. Is it better or dose it really matter how they get there Calcium and vitamins? As in I have a feed bowel when I feed at night I will put some worms in and add some calcium and vitamins in. I do not dust my crickets but they do have it available in the dish at all times.

Ill also add to this by asking what are some brands or different types of vitamins and calcium?

And now I'll ask about guttloading. The only guttloading i do is add veggies to there bowls wait a few days then feed to the leos as in carrots and bred and other things. What are some good guttloads out there i have seen many what are some good ones? and what are some to stay away from?

Thank you for your time and answers. I think a lot of up and coming Leo lovers will like this and I will re-wright the answers on a care sheet depending on how this come out thanks.


Staff member
Somerville, MA
This could be a whole book, so I'll keep it short:

Once they reach about 25 grams, leopard geckos don't need to be fed every day. I feed Tues, Thurs and Sat. The best food is probably a variety of well gut-loaded feeders. I alternate weeks with my adults between super worms and crickets. I feed silkworms occasionally in the summer when the mulberry tree in my neighborhood has leaves and hornworms whenever I can afford them. The hatchlings get mostly mealworms. I dust every other feeding because it's theoretically (I say that because I haven't seen any studies about this) possible for the geckos to get too much D3 and calcium. I keep my feeders on a bedding of gut load that I get in 20 lb. bags from and I toss in vegetable parings for added nutrition and moisture.


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