4th clutch- absolutely deflated


New Member
Iris has lost a little bit of weight (which from what I've read is common, she was 55 at the start now she's around 46 grams) and just laid her forth clutch, I'm not sure of maybe it's because she laid at the start of the night and they deflated until I got to them around 1130? Or for some reason is she out of sperm? She was mated 4 times over 3 weeks before she started laying. She is in a rack of sterilite tubs with ventilation, 3 sq ft of walking space with 3 hides, humid and 2 dry, access to water and calcium 24/7, fed every other day (they all never responded to food when I did it daily, not sure why.) paper towel substrate And heat cable that measures 92 directly, ambient is 78. (Cool side of course) she seemed awfully tired laying this clutch, yesterday morning she was asleep in her dug whole and stayed there all day. Any energy boosting suggestions as well? Thank you for reading, any help is appreciated :)


New Member
this was very scrambled and i apologize, long story short is there a reason why those eggs were deflated at her 4th clutch? and do you have any energy boosting tips for laying females? thank you!


Staff member
Somerville, MA
There isn't necessarily a reason. This happens to me quite often. Here are my stats for the season so far:
Asia: 6 clutches so far, both of clutch #1 hatched, only 1 egg laid for clutch #2 and it was no good, one egg of clutch #3 hatched and the other had an under-developed, dead hatchling in it; clutches 4-6 still incubating, 2 eggs each

Marigold: 4 clutches so far: clutch #1 hatched 2 healthy offspring, first of clutch #2 hatched and waiting for second one any minute now, other 2 clutches still incubating, 2 eggs each

Almandine: 5 clutches: clutch #1 and 2 no good, 2 eggs each; waiting for clutches 3-5 to hatch, 2 good eggs each

Juliette (1st year breeder): 4 clutches so far, clutch #1 hatched 2 healthy offspring, clutch #3 two eggs both no good; clutches #2 and 4 incubating, 2 good eggs each

Ursula: 5 clutches: Cutch #1 hatched 2 healthy offspring, clutch #2 hatched 1 healthy offspring and one dead, underdeveloped fetus, clutch #3 incubating, clutch #4 2 eggs and no good, clutch #5 two eggs, one no good and the other incubating

Hope that's helpful.



New Member
wow, thank you! maybe shes just taking some down time to chow down. she ate lots tonight and finally stopped after around 20 mealworms and 2 supers. most shes eaten yet!

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