2013 Hypo Tangerines het Tremper Albino


New Member
Long Island, NY
[SOLD] 2013 Hypo Tangerines het Tremper Albino

I’m looking to get $45/ea for these. These are from a Tangerine x Tremper Sunglow pairing (with one exception), so all are het for Tremper Albino. Dad’s picture is in the Facebook album. I’d be happy to take additional photos and get current weights upon request.

I’m located on Long Island (40m from Manhattan) and would greatly prefer local pickup as the weather gets cooler. I’m willing to drive a reasonable distance or meet halfway. Contact me if you'd like to work something out with regards to shipping.

I’m also open to trade offers! The worst I can say is no. You can PM me here but I respond faster to email - lady.winterheartATgmail.com


See Facebook album here for more photos and details - https://www.facebook.com/Xaila/media_set?set=a.10151978383484933.1073741828.501439932&type=1
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