2 males in same tank?!?!


New Member
hi about a month ago i purchased a leopard gecko. today i purchased another leopard gecko. i just noticed they are both males in pretty sure. is that okay if they’re both male? they are both young and in a 10 gallon right now but as they grow i am going to upgrade the tank.


Staff member
Somerville, MA
There have been some reports that male geckos brought up together from the time they're juveniles with no female that they can detect (by sight or smell) have been known to get along into adulthood. I wouldn't trust it. You are going to have to keep them separate. It's pretty cheap and easy to get another 10 gallon for now and then figure out what to do when they are adults. Just so you know, new geckos do need to be quarantined from the one(s) you already have for at least a month to rule out illness..


Jenna W

New Member
hi about a month ago i purchased a leopard gecko. today i purchased another leopard gecko. i just noticed they are both males in pretty sure. is that okay if they’re both male? they are both young and in a 10 gallon right now but as they grow i am going to upgrade the tank.

If you have two males in the same tank. They will probably start to fight. If they do start to fight, put one in a different tank or get rid of one because you don’t want them to fight. If they don’t fight, and get along, that is GREAT!

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