Vet referral Forum/thread?



That is a GREAT idea Marcia, I'd love to help with something like that!


Fallen Angel's Geckos
Stockton, CA
I also agree.. Since there are not too many people on this forum from AZ, I can give you the info for the Herp Vet that we use (he is very good, but a checkup alone will cost you $50 with him and I am not sure how expensive that is compared to others..seems kind of high to me). I am out of town/state and don't have the information on me (and can't think of the website) but if you'd like, PM me and I can give Mike a call and get it for you :)
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Simply Brilliant Marcia !

That would make things a lot easier for many people and a recommendation (if possible) always makes someone feel better about going to a new doctor-whether it be for themselves or bringing in an animal for care


New Member
Glendale, AZ
fallen_angel said:
I also agree.. Since there are not too many people on this forum from AZ, I can give you the info for the Herp Vet that we use (he is very good, but a checkup alone will cost you $50 with him and I am not sure how expensive that is compared to others..seems kind of high to me). I am out of town/state and don't have the information on me (and can't think of the website) but if you'd like, PM me and I can give Mike a call and get it for you :)

Yes that is an absolutely WONDERFUL idea Marcia! I would love to have someplace at hand, the names and addresses, phone #'s, ect. where I can contact a vet in an emergency. Also, another idea; you can organize it by state(like in the veterinary forum) put AZ vets, CA vets, ND vets, ect. Then one for Out of country or something like that that is for all you guys is Germany, Spain, and stuff.

Jess, a vet I found(can't remember where) here in AZ, for a complete checkup it cost me $97 PER GECKO. I had two at the time. We didn't even know the price or what kind of checkup the vet was doing till she did it and not untill after did we know what we had to pay.
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New Member
I think it would be a great idea! I love my vet, and he's been great, but I find he's out of the office alot. I would feel alot more comfortable selecting a back up vet that another member has had good experiences with...


What should the average cost for a checkup be?
And yes, this sounds like a great idea!


New Member
The cost varies, around here it's usually around 35-50 for an exam. Fecals usually 25-35 for float or smear double for both. Other procedures and medications would also have individual fees.

Snowy & Petra de Gecko

A Great Idea

It might take sometime to get all of the info on the forum but, overall it would be a great resource.:main_thumbsup:

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