Interesting Questions


New Member
Hey All,

I want to share this experience and here what you all think. I recently took my 5 y/o gecko to the vet for a normal check-up. I have had him for 4 years and never took him so I thought it would probably be a good idea. The vet asked a lot of questions on husbandry, temperatures, feeding, etc. She gave me some great ideas to make small tweaks to my care habits to keep him as healthy as he currently he is. There was one part of the conversation that was a major switch up from what I am currently doing.

She told me that I should get a UVB basking light because there is newer, and increasing in number, research about the benefits of UVB light for leos. She recommended a UVB light with decreased calcium with d3 supplementation. She thinks that calcium without D3 should be used essentially every feeding but use the powder including D3, once every two weeks. What do you all think on this? I trust the vet's opinion and went out and bought a UVB light I have now in the tank. Also, my leo likes to hangout under his warm hide the most and is shaded from the light, so theoretically he wouldn't be getting the benefit from the light because it is not directly on his skin (besides on his tail or foot sticking out). Curious to see what you all think on this! Thanks.


Staff member
Somerville, MA
I think it certainly doesn't hurt. As I understand it, there are some deep heat bulbs made by Arcadia that are supposed to penetrate the hides. It's a good idea to reduce the calcium and D3 since geckos can get over supplemented. The best bet is to try these things and observe your gecko over a number of months. If it starts to look as if it's getting MBS (wobbly limbs), then you may need to increase the calcium again.


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