Hormonal issues


New Member
Hello to all.

A friend hatched a really nice dreamsickle a couple of years ago. Unfortunately she born with some spine injuries.
We take her to the vet and this was the result:
View attachment 59211

as she is the most beautiful dreamsickle I've ever seen, so we decide to keep her as PET.
View attachment 59212

She is really tiny and I decided not to breed her ever! A few moths ago, she started to laying some eggs, even she's never been with a male before.
View attachment 59213

The main issue here is: she is very tiny and weak (around 38g) and she can't stop ovulating! She laid an egg every single month. I'm not sure if this could be related with spine, but it's really easy to see that she has hormonal issues.

Do you have any advice to help her?

Best regards.


Ridgewood, NJ
Not sure if it will work for you but I was advised to keep the females I did not want to breed away from males, if possible, in another rack or room away from them where they can't smell or hear their tail shakes. Also, you might try lowering the temperature 2-3 degrees to about 88 or so when she starts to ovulate to "trick" her into thinking it might be fall soon and breeding is a bad idea. Lastly you can try shortening the photo period to simulate the end of summer. Best of luck!

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