HELP! Beginner Owner and Gecko not Eating


New Member
Somewhere on Mars
Hi! I have a leopard gecko named Arrow and he is a few months old.He is getting pretty big. We only just upgraded his cage and we have yet to fill it up more. He currently sleeps all day and has stopped eating :( I am a beginner in not only Leopard Geckos but all lizards and I have a few questions.

How often should I feed him and how much and what?

What kinds of Toys/products should i get him to make him happy?


Should I hold him every day and interact with him and if so how much and how?

Thanks so much for helping me! I'm super worried :(


Staff member
Somerville, MA
Welcome to GF! I can't give you definite answers, but here are some possibilities:
Eating: Some geckos slow down on eating when hey get to a certain weight. Are you sure Arrow is a male? Some female geckos stop eating for awhile when they start to ovulate and it can happen as early as 6 months or so. Some geckos get stressed when they change to a new cage and need awhile to get used to it. Geckos are very different from mammals. They don't need to eat to maintain their body temperature. I have a lot of leopard geckos and some of them don't eat for weeks or even months. Some lose weight and then gain it back, some don't even lose weight. Try not to worry about it and just keep offering.
Here are possible answers to your other questions:

"How often should I feed him and how much and what?"
I feed my leopard geckos on Tuesday, Thurs and Saturday, or in other words about every other day. The hatchlings could get fed every day, but I put so many mealworms in the bowl, they last for a few days. Leopard geckos can eat a variety of things, the most common being: mealworms (most of mine that I keep to adulthood get bored with mealworms after awhile), crickets, dubia roaches, super worms. In addition, you can feed them hornworms or silkworms. Some leopard geckos will eat anything and some are picky. Your gecko also may be bored with whatever you're feeding it.

What kinds of Toys/products should i get him to make him happy?
I don't think leopard geckos really experience happiness. Some of them like to wander around the cage and some like to stay in their hides all the time. If you have one that likes to wander, it may appreciate different kinds of hides as well as a ramp that would lead it up to a low second level.

Should I hold him every day and interact with him and if so how much and how? Some geckos don't mind being held and some don't like it. If he doesn't squirm too much, you could hold him every day and let him crawl over your hand, or behind the couch pillows. I know of someone that takes a kiddie pool and puts all her geckos in there (no water) to walk around and play. It's up to you.

Thanks so much for helping me! I'm super worried : Try not to worry they're pretty hardy. By the way, your gecko sleeps all day because it's nocturnal and it's up at night.


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