Heat question


New Member
Okay so my tank is 80 degrees on the cool side, and the hot side used to be 90 but now it's like 110 and if I shut the heater off it will drop to about 70.. My aft stays on the hot side in the little moss house I have. She just started going in the moss thing when I added new bedding (Eco Earth) and thats when the heat rised. Does she not like the EE? A

And how active are fat tails supposed to be? Gabby just sleeps all day..they are nocturnal right? She does switch between the EE and the moss everytime I put more food in and she has been drinking.

Should I take the EE out and put the paper towels back in? This is my first time owning any type of reptile.


New Member
I have a thermostat set on the lowest setting. I don't know what the heck is wrong with it. The thermometer are them crappy ones from the pet shop but I tested it and its right.

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