Gecko dislikes new home.


New Member
Hey guys! So I am new to owning a Gecko. My son wanted one, so I read up as best I could and after I bought all the supplies we ordered one from Backwater reptiles and he’s been amazing. He was a hatchling, but has since grown into a very large beautiful boy. We have had him about 6 to 8 months. I originally had him in a 20 gallon tank which he seemed to be just fine in, but then I wanted to upgrade him, so I bought the same exact tank/setup made by THRIVE but 40 gallon instead. I also added a third hide because I only had two for him in his 20. He seems to hate his new environment, refuses to use his cool hide, will literally run out if I put him in there myself, seems very irritable/ansy. He IS eating though. Meal worms, crickets, and dubais.
Will he adjust to his new home? Or should I downgrade to a 20 again? Thank you!


Staff member
Somerville, MA
I have found that geckos often pick a favorite place and hang out there until they get a new favorite place. If he doesn't want to be in his cool hide, don't worry about it. He may be more inclined to choose it when the weather gets warmer. He may feel a little stressed by being in a new place, but eventually it will become familiar. When I was breeding leopard geckos I would move my geckos around every January in their new male/females pairing and everyone settled down eventually and coped fine.



New Member
I have found that geckos often pick a favorite place and hang out there until they get a new favorite place. If he doesn't want to be in his cool hide, don't worry about it. He may be more inclined to choose it when the weather gets warmer. He may feel a little stressed by being in a new place, but eventually it will become familiar. When I was breeding leopard geckos I would move my geckos around every January in their new male/females pairing and everyone settled down eventually and coped fine.

Thank you so much for that info! He seems to be getting used to his new surroundings, I found him this evening in his cool hide!!! I can stop worrying now . Thanks again!

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