Baby Mediterranean house gecko help!


New Member
United States
Hi! I'm in oklahoma and I found a baby mediterranean house gecko when i was at college wednesday, It is very small, and Im trying to feed him some cut up canned mealworms but he doesnt eat. he does drink the water I spray into the terrarium I have him in.

I would like to know what all I should do for the little guy, hes incredibly cute and I love geckos. His name is Perseus.

I want to know how long he could go without eating as long as he has water, I am not sure if he has eaten or not. We plan on ordering him some pinhead crickets and if we ordered them today (thursday) they would not be in until this coming Tuesday (Nov 26th)
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Tongue Flicker

Hardcore Animal Lover
Madina't Isa, Bahrain
Hi is it still alive? Sorry just saw this post.

Most house geckos rarely drink water and get their daily moisture requirements via heir prey. Lateralis roaches legal where you're at? They should at least be eating 1-2 lat nymphs daily or every other day. Some under or side heating maybe necessary but lights are not a necessity as they are nocturnal and will most likely shy away from any bright lights.

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