Recent content by Bloody Holly

  1. Bloody Holly

    Switching to Roaches

  2. Bloody Holly

    A few new dinker geckos (DUW)

    ...Does that first gecko have six toes on it's back left leg?
  3. Bloody Holly

    Switching to Roaches

    I was wondering if anyone has been able to successfully switch their fat tail from crickets or mealworms to roaches? I want to switch over to roaches because I have a couple friends that know how to breed them, which means I would not have to visit the pet store every other week. I have...
  4. Bloody Holly

    1st Fattie!

    Aww, she's cute! If I ever choose to get a 2nd fattie, I definitely want an amel like yours!
  5. Bloody Holly

    My first AFT!

    He's growing up!
  6. Bloody Holly

    Updated Puzzle Shots

    Wow, he's cute! How old is he?
  7. Bloody Holly

    What am I?

    That gecko with the "one fat long tail" has a regenerated tail. That means that he or she lost their tail and grew it back. The section of the tail that is wavy is part of the original tail. Regenerated tails normally grow back stubby and don't end up looking like the original tail, that's why...
  8. Bloody Holly

    How cute???

    I love your fatties! they're all adorable.
  9. Bloody Holly

    How often do fatties shed?

    I've had my AFT for a month now and I've only seen him shed once, although he did look like he was in shed about two weeks ago. How often should he be shedding? He's a sub-adult btw.
  10. Bloody Holly

    Just a few gecko pics! (DUW)

    Your geckos are so gorgeous!
  11. Bloody Holly

    My first AFT!

    Thanks! I really like him too, haha. But he still gets a little hissy whenever I try to handle him (I've only handled him twice). But I've been told that that's normal for baby fatties.
  12. Bloody Holly

    My first AFT!

    I caught him sleeping today! He really loves to dig in his eco earth. I know it's really bad quality, but I took it with my cell phone and I didn't want to disturb him.
  13. Bloody Holly

    Your dream AFT morph!

    When it comes to Fat Tails, I'm not really big on morphs- I think normals are gorgeous! But I still think White Outs look pretty neat.
  14. Bloody Holly

    with AFT eating

    I tried to hand feed my AFT a cricket too and he didn't even look interested in it. Try leaving the food in the enclosure without removing any of the hides. That's what has been working for me.
  15. Bloody Holly

    My first AFT!

    Yay!! He finally ate last night!! I just have one more question now. Whenever I reach my hand towards him he starts hissing and will even try to bite me. Will this attitude change over time once he's more comfortable in his new home?