Need some help.


New Member
This isn't a normal help thread like my gecko is sick or anything. I just need some tips and pointers from other gecko lovers.

Ok I currently have 18 geckos. 2 that aren't leos. A crested and a day gecko. Here are my questions.

Heres the first question. I have tired to breed my geckos and get fertile eggs for the past 2 years. I got some last year and hatched out 2. Well this year, I have not had any luck what so ever at this. I put them together, get some eggs and then I either kill them or they aren't fertile. The first year when I had only 3 geckos and it wasn't planned i got 5 babies. Now that I plan it out I get nothing. What is the deal? I don"t get it. Its driving me to madness. I need to get rid of some of the excess males that I do have I know that. But what do you guys suggest that I do? Get a better incubator? Try different methods of introduction? Ill take all the pointers i can. Thanks.

I love my geckos. I have for the longest time, why I have so many of them. The down fall lies with my better half. She likes them, but don't like them. Complains that they smell, and aren't healthy to have as pets and all this. I try and educate her on them, and she does love the one and will hold him regularly. I know the smell can be prevented by daily cleaning. Thats not the problem I can fix that. I am trying to get her into them too.I just don't want to force them on her and on the other hand I don't want to just sell them all. Any tips on this situation?

Thanks for the help.


Staff member
Somerville, MA
Breeding: it would be helpful to know exactly what you're doing and what equipment you're using. For instance:

What incubator are you using?
What, if anything, are you using to regulate and check the temperatures?
At what temperature are you incubating?
With what are you supplementing the geckos?
What are you using in the incubation containers?

As far as your "better half" enjoying the geckos: the fact that she likes one of them is a good start and may be all you'll get. My husband is interested in them the way he is positive toward all living things but doesn't want to hold or care for them. My kids couldn't be bothered. Maybe if you have more luck with breeding she'll fall in love with the babies.



New Member
I am using a hovabator, i have a digi thermo for it. I need to get another helix or some kind of stat. I am at 84 degrees till it hits midday then it goes up a few degress. I use herptivite and rep cal. I use 8oz delicups with hatchrite and i also got some super hatch to try too.


Staff member
Somerville, MA
If your temps are going up mid-day and also going up in the room that the incubator's in, no thermostat in the world will help because they can't produce negative heat. In that case, you need to find a cooler place for the incubator. I usually have my incubator in the basement at this time of year, but it just hasn't been hot enough yet.


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