Lost but not forgotten



We lost our sweet Andy kitty unexpectedly 2 weeks ago. He was not sick at all and was acting his normal lovable self... and I came home from work and he had passed away. I was devastated! He was only 8 years old and still had so many years ahead of him. We don't know what took him, which makes it even harder. I immediately took our other cat Cleo to the clinic where I work and had full bloodwork and an exam done on her... I was scared it was something in their food (which is a dry food that is not on the recall list), but she checked out just fine.
My wife deals with seeing other people loose their beloved pets at work frequently...and as sad as that is... when its one of your own, its so hard to bare. He was the coolest cat in the universe! He has been since he was a kitten. Very laid back, adaptable, well-adjusted, cuddly and loving. He is irreplaceable. We miss him a whole lot, but poor Cleo is lost without him. She has completely transformed from her "I don't need you, I just grace you with my presence when I'm in the mood" attitude to being a totally co-dependant needy kitty! She follows us around the house now and insists on sleeping on our bed, despite the presence of the 3 dogs in the bedroom. We miss him even more when she's snuggled up next to me.
We kept Andy's collar and it is hanging over a frame with his picture in it on the mantle in the den. He's been with us through many relocations and has always taken life in stride. He's taught me to try and be more laid back and relaxed about life, and loosing him has taught me to live each day like its your last. We will always remember him for the sweet soul he was and he will be sorely missed.
This is a link to his Catster page. http://www.catster.com/cats/384978

Golden Gate Geckos

Mean Old Gecko Lady
SF Bay Area
Ohhhh noooo! I am so very sorry you lost your kitty, Maya. Our pets are like family members and it truly is devastating when one dies. I am heartsick for you, and you are in my thoughts...


frustrated mom
Brooklyn, New York
im so sorry for your loss we lost our kitty two months ago and just lost our gecko jeanne last week,marcia siad it best our pets are part of our family and when you lose one it makes your heart hurt and it takes alot to get over it


im so sorry for your loss we lost our kitty two months ago and just lost our gecko jeanne last week,marcia siad it best our pets are part of our family and when you lose one it makes your heart hurt and it takes alot to get over it
Thank you very much Francine and I'm soo sorry for your loss of your kitty and of jeanne your gecko. I like to think that they all are in a lot better place.
Our pets are like family members and it truly is devastating when one dies
I truly understand what you mean Marcia, specially my wife and I since we have no kids. All of our animals are our kids and get all our love. Some people just don't understand. Thank you.
I'm glad that Cleo is healthy.
We are very great full that she is doing good, she just misses Andy also. Thank you also for your thoughts for Andy.

Thank you everyone so very much, he is so missed but will always be in our hearts.


Hi There, I am so sorry for your loss as well. I too recently had to put my paralized dog to sleep and it nearly killed me yet I had her creamated and kept her collar as well plus we have a picture of her and my daughter on top her Cherry wood urn and we will get a name plate too. I am a Manx cat breeder and I just want to mention something that could of been what took your cat. There is a heart condition with no symptoms at all. You just basically find the cat dead and of course the name slips me but I will be back. I have had it happen three times to different aged cats. Did the Vet have any idea. Because the age of 8 is not too old. I will go get the info on this if interested. Its a genetic thing so it can be passed only when breeding. Its not contagious. You may never know what took him but know that he is forever with you in your heart and memory. Again please take care. Deb

EDIT: The name of the Heart condition is Cardiomyoapthy. Spelling might be off a tad.
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