Recent content by AvandisFifth187

  1. AvandisFifth187

    My pretty little girl passed away

    Sorry for the loss. All you can do now is look onto the future.
  2. AvandisFifth187

    Calcium vs. Calcium + D3

    I use plain calcium for the dish in each of their enclosures, dust with calcium twice a week, and once every 3rd feeding they get a dusting of vitamins with d3 along with their calcium.
  3. AvandisFifth187

    The Truth In Euthanasia

    I think it's pretty messed up that the father not only lied to his family, but expected the veterinarian to propagate the lie for him. Children are going to need to learn about life and death at some point or another, and a pet that needs to be put down is a sad opportunity to teach them. The...
  4. AvandisFifth187

    Pretty ladies from Ohio Gecko

    Beautiful, beautiful AFTs! Great buy!
  5. AvandisFifth187

    Bear Market in Boas: Proposed Laws Strangle Sales of Mutant Snakes

    I'm happy someone's covering this (especially something like the WSJ). People need to see how this whole thing is effecting the economy as a whole, as well as individuals lives.
  6. AvandisFifth187

    Can you believe this website?!?!

    wow.... I think I wanna make a red list poopoo platter... where should I go to get the ingredients.... hmmm...... I know! I'll go to the site with the jacked up lookin "C.E.O" on the front page! Nothin says "Yum" like a creepy, dirty looking man sellin you your food! this site is very...
  7. AvandisFifth187

    Cleveland sadness....

    Well we got some snow today, enough to cover the ground... but not enough for a snowball fight:( lol that big stormed passed over us here
  8. AvandisFifth187

    Cleveland sadness....

    After living in the greater Cleveland area of Ohio for my entire life, I never thought I'd say this but...... I actually miss the snow. We've had three days of snow the entire season, and it wasn't even enough to stick on the ground for the entire day... normally we have a good 1'-1' and a half...
  9. AvandisFifth187

    My newest adventure in creativity.

    Very nice! I like it! the tiny little imperfections give it more character, in my opinion. I'm tired of seeing the same generic leather bracelets made in a factory that only hold their studs for a grand total of 4 days before they start falling off.
  10. AvandisFifth187


    Good vid! I always love watching chams eat.... don't know why, though. Beautiful panther, though! He seems like he has alot of personality... could just be all his color, though. lol
  11. AvandisFifth187

    Concrete Jungle Facelift!

    I like it! It's very creative, fun, and original! The theme of the site actually matches the theme of the company name, which is rare. Great site!